Our Mission

Volunteers In Psychotherapy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing affordable and truly private psychotherapy for the community, in exchange for volunteer work clients donate to the charity of their choice. 

You, the client should decide how long you will continue in therapy: Not an insurance company that profits by cutting the length of therapy.

Private therapy for adults, families, couples and children

Licensed psychotherapists provide all VIP services.  Most of our therapists (four of us) are licensed clinical psychologists, each with 35 years of experience.

Your therapy is no-fee or low-fee

In exchange, you do volunteer work for the charity, nonprofit or government agency of your choice. The more you volunteer, the less you pay out of pocket.  In the 20+ years of VIP’s functioning,consistently over 95% of our sessions are done in exchange for volunteer work alone, with no payments to VIP.


Your privacy is preserved

Under managed care, therapists must send reports about your personal therapy discussions to insurance companies.

We don’t work with insurers. We don’t send out reports or psychiatric labels. You can speak openly.  Your therapy through VIP is as private as Connecticut law allows.

You decide how long to continue in psychotherapy

Managed care companies have cut the number and length of referrals for therapy. They can profit by declaring your therapy “not medically necessary,” and stopping it.

VIP is a charity that was constructed by therapists – to provide psychotherapy. You and your therapist maintain control through VIP.

Human understanding and solutions for your personal problems are preserved

Therapists who work with insurance companies are often pressured to see you less, or to encourage you to take medication.

Your VIP therapist will have more time to get to know you, and how you think and feel. There will be time to understand what is troubling you and what is important to you in your life.

Note about VIP during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

VIP continues to work with people in therapy through phone and video-conference during the pandemic. We’re working on creative adaptations that permit our work to continue. Feel free to call us to discuss how you could work with a VIP therapist.

Disclaimer: The people in the pictures are actors, not actual clients.